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Each year, the Volunteer English Program in Chester County hopes to support one or more adult learners in their search for meaningful employment, citizenship, or professional credentialing as a result of their commitment to learning the language and culture of English.
The award's namesake, Meredith Huffman was a passionate VEP supporter as was her mother Sharyn, a former tutor. Meredith’s vision at the Genuardi Family Foundation was to champion organizations and people who focus on community service and charity. Through her professional guidance, Meredith helped VEP to think far into the future. She challenged VEP as a leading organization in Chester County and the region to “think beyond ourselves and envision ways in which we could ensure that VEP would be available for new English speakers in the year 2043 – 25 years from today!”
In celebration of Meredith's life and through a 2017 seed grant of $1,000 from the Capacity for Change, Inc., a board-restricted fund has been established. As the fund's capacity grows, a portion will be made available for distribution to qualified VEP students each July.
Thank you for making a tax-deductible contribution to the Meredith Loving Connections Fund. Your gift at any level will help a VEP student realize their goal while helping us to share in achieving Meredith's greatest dream "to touch people, to leave something behind, some imprint, and to leave this world a better and more caring place."